Monday, January 6, 2014

Html >> CSS an Intro - (PART_42)

Topic: What is css and how do we use it in html?

Explanation: This is a very small intro to css. Learn css with the css tutorials.
This will make you more interested to learn the CSS in depth.

CSS - Cascading style sheets. Its used with html component and it adds more beauty to the html components. We will see one example. Label Tag:
<div style="border: green solid 3px;">
This font takes css styles

This font takes css styles

Definition: The attribute "style" belongs to css.
The style can be added to any html tag.

Here we have set a border using style sheet.
The format is as given in the example.
First we will define the attribute we are trying to set, followed by ":" and the value.
In this case border is the attribute and its value is the order of "border-color border-type border-size".
Then the attribute will end with ";".

Another example:
<a href="">
<div style="border: red solid 1px; background-color: white;">
Link Using Styles


More will flow in our css tutorials