Saturday, January 11, 2014

Htm>> HTML Tooltip - (PART_48)

How to create a tooltip using title attribute?
How to create a tool tip in html?
HTML Tooltip using title attribute:

Tool tip is a popup menu box appears when you hover on any link. Tooltip can be created using the title attribute to the object.

Example Code:

<a href="" title=" Tutorials"> tutorials</a>



In IE, the browser will display the alt text on hovering images as a tool tip. But, it is better to use the title attribute to display the tool tip in other browsers.

HTML Tooltip using javascript:

The tool tip can also be created using the javascript and div tag. It is used as a reference for any text field in the web page.

Example Code:

<DIV TITLE="header=[First row] body=[second row]" STYLE="BORDER: #558844 1px solid;WIDTH:200px;HEIGHT: 40px"> My div with some text inside. Move over me to see my popup menu. </DIV>

My div with some text inside. Move over me to see my popup menu.