This is a free online tutorial to help you learn the basics of html.
The Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used to create hypertext documents that are platform independent. So most of what we see in the Internet web pages are made of html document.
HTML Code was originally developed by Tim Burners-Lee while at CERT, and popularized by the Mosaic browser developed at NCSA
It is called markup language because users can mark up their documents by representing structural, representational, and semantic information alongside content.
The HTML code standards are defined by the IETF working group.
The standards are defined in RFC documents.
But don't bother too much about these.
It will be used only when we go too deep in to html.
This free online code tutorial will guide you further.
Now please go to the next part, we will start the very basics.
The Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language used to create hypertext documents that are platform independent. So most of what we see in the Internet web pages are made of html document.
HTML Code was originally developed by Tim Burners-Lee while at CERT, and popularized by the Mosaic browser developed at NCSA
It is called markup language because users can mark up their documents by representing structural, representational, and semantic information alongside content.
The HTML code standards are defined by the IETF working group.
The standards are defined in RFC documents.
But don't bother too much about these.
It will be used only when we go too deep in to html.
This free online code tutorial will guide you further.
Now please go to the next part, we will start the very basics.
How To Tags List Html Tag Head Tag Body Tag BgColor Background b,u,i,center,br hr,ur,li,ol h1,space,div pre,font strike,power Images Link Basics Using Links Email Link Marquee 1 Marquee 2 Blink | Tables Table Border Table Color Table Size Table Align Inner Table Col Span Row Span Form Types Text Fields Buttons Radio Button CheckBox Text Area Select Box Password Label Special Characters Redirect Auto Refresh IFrame AddressBar Simple CSS Audio embed Video Meta Tag |
Styles define how to display the HTML elements. Both Netscape 4.0 and IE 4.0 version support CSS.
Initially, the presentation layout was handled by the browser. But it led to so many problems. To solve the problems"World Wide Web Consortium" (w3c) - the non profit, standard setting consortium responsible for standardizing html, created styles in addition to html 4.0.
Here you will learn how to use CSS with your html elements. The look and feel of any site can be improved drastically by using CSS. Use the left panel to browse through the different cascading Style Sheet topics.
Initially, the presentation layout was handled by the browser. But it led to so many problems. To solve the problems"World Wide Web Consortium" (w3c) - the non profit, standard setting consortium responsible for standardizing html, created styles in addition to html 4.0.
Here you will learn how to use CSS with your html elements. The look and feel of any site can be improved drastically by using CSS. Use the left panel to browse through the different cascading Style Sheet topics.
Style Types Universal Identifiers Userdefined External CSS Color Background Color Background Image Background Repeat Background Position BG Attachment Word Spacing Letter Spacing Text Decoration Vertical Align | Text Transform Text Align Text Indent Line Height Font Style Font Weight Font Size Font Family Box Property Border Color Border Width Border Style Side Borders Border |