Sunday, January 19, 2014

Html>>Image tags- MAP/Image Mapping - (PART_50)

Topic: How to map an image using HTML?
<img src="tmahal.jpeg" usemap = #imgmap border=0>
<map name=imgmap>
<area shape=Rect Coords=30,30,59,59 Href="tam.jpg" Target="_blank">
<area shape=Rect Coords=100,60,129,80 Href="elephant.gif" Target="_blank" >


Attributes for image area

indicates that the text is to be formatted using the specified class.

Indicates the direction (right or left) of the text to be displayed. Useful for languages which display left to right.

You can name the text, which allows it to be referred and changed in a script (dynamic HTML).

Name of an image map. 

style= "style"
Defines the style for the text to be displayed title="title"
You can give a text a title if you want. This provides some additional information about the text.