Thursday, December 12, 2013

Text Manipulation >> HTML Text Properties (PART_08)

Topic:  How to create bold text in html?
             How to create underlined text in html?
             How to create italic word aligned center in html?

Explanation: Now we are going to see how to decorate the text

bold font:
any text given in between the "b" tag will appear as bold

underline tag:
any text given in between the "u" tag will appear underlined

any text given in between the "i" tag will appear in italics

Align Center:
Any text given in between the "center" tag will be aligned center

Line Break:
This is a tag which is used to break the line and move to next line.
This tag does not require closing tag.
When ever you want the text to start in a new line give the tag <br>

Combining Things:
<title> My Page</title>

<body bgcolor="green" background="./test.jpg">
<center> <b> <u> <i>This is my first page </i> </u> </b> </center> </body>

Please note that the order of opening and closing tags.
That is <center> <b>.....</b> </center>
It is like putting a box inside a box. So inner tag should be closed first then next

Test It: Copy the code or type the code in to the textbox shown under subtopics and click show. 

